Transform Trade

Making a difference

Have you ever pondered the sort of difference buying from Traidcraft made to the people who grow for a process and made the products which we were able to buy from Traidcraft until now? Some church members might remember that, on my return from a Traidcraft “Meet the People tour” I was eager to tell you about what I’d seen and heard. Fair trade was certainly making a difference to the lives of individuals, families and communities. Joan Davies


We must pray for the producers who were supported by Traidcraft and for those in Gateshead who’ve lost their jobs recently.

What else can we do?

1. Lobby

In our shopping we must make it clear that we want to buy products with the fair trade mark. If they’re not available, we can ask the shop to stock them or take our business – our purchasing power – elsewhere.

2. Buy remaining stock

Please come and buy some cards on Sunday 5th February in church (11.30am after worship) including reduced price Easter cards and a few other things left in stock. Many of the cards are from Swajan in Bangladesh, giving the female artisans a better quality of life. Local Traidcraft fair trader, Joan Davies, has spare stock. If you want to buy anything in particular, do ask if she has it. If she has she will bring it to church for collection on a Sunday morning. Telephone Joan Davies on 0121 475 8715. All money for the goods will support Transform Trade.

3. Recycle for change – supporting Transform Trade (formerly Traidcraft Exchange)

We are still collecting stamps, jewellery & watches, foreign currency & coins, old mobile phones & cameras. We especially need more heavy items such as left over coins from your travels abroad. Please put donations in a clear plastic bag as this is easier to check.  We hope to send a full box of items that meet the higher weight limit before Easter!

4. Buy gifts for your friends and family from Transform Trade

Gift cards support a variety of producers and communities. Gifts are categorised into themes and occasions to help you find something suitable.

Visit the online shop for gifts that make a difference.

5. Fair Trade Fortnight

Get involved in organising and supporting local events for Fairtrade Fortnight. Raise awareness where you can!


6. Buy ethical raffle tickets

A celebration of ethical business and a fundraising force to change the world through the power of trade – the Ethical Raffle is back.

And it is actually ethical three times over:

  • Great prizes from some of the UK’s best ethical brands and companies
  • Only virtual tickets – the raffle is entirely paper-free
  • 100% of each ticket prize will help Transform Trade – so everybody benefits.

The closing date for entries will be 11.59pm 21 April 2023. The draw is conducted on 28 April 2023.

Buy ethical raffle tickets

Gift an ethical raffle ticket to someone

Thank you to Traidcraft

We hear with sadness of the decision to close Traidcraft after attempts to recover from the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and pre-Christmas strikes could not save the business. The Church at Carrs Lane has for many years had an excellent working relationship with Traidcraft, sharing information and educating people about fair trade. The Church had to make a decision to close its own Fair Trade Shop in 2020.

We thank the employees of Traidcraft in Gateshead, volunteers throughout the country and producers around the world for their commitment to make our shopping ethical and worthwhile. We continue to support ethical consumerism in our daily lives and will support Transform Trade as it continues its mission.  The following statement was issued on Friday 20 January by Charlotte Timson, CEO of Transform Trade (formerly Traidcraft Exchange):

By now you may have heard the news: Traidcraft, the fair trade pioneer and our close partner for many years, is going into administration.

Those are painful words to write, but I wanted to pass on the news personally and share some reflections at this difficult time.

Many of you will have supported Traidcraft for years and do not need me to tell you that today marks a huge loss. After an exceptionally difficult few years, one of the founders of the trade justice movement is closing its doors.

Since 1979 Traidcraft has reimagined the relationships between producers and consumers, putting justice at the heart oftradeIt’s no exaggeration to say that the fair trade movement as we know it would not exist without Traidcraft.

But what now?

When we changed our name to Transform Trade, Richard Adams, the founder of Traidcraft said…

Transform Trade have picked up the baton with their new strategy and name… the work is not done yet.”

We didn’t realise at the time just how relevant those words would be, only a few months down the line. Together, we must pick up the baton.

The good work that Traidcraft has done over the years will not disappear. Instead it must be built upon.

Our mission it to transform trade so that everybody benefits. As we continue this work, our focus right now is on two things.

1. Supporting producers

Over the years, Traidcraft did incredible work with smaller producer groups – helping them find a route to market where no one else could. We’re working on plans to expand our work supporting small groups of artisans and farmers, like those Traidcraft was originally set up to help, in order to fill the gap they leave behind.

2. The system

Trading ethically within a system that is unjust is always going to be difficult – especially during a cost of living crisis. From the start, the odds were stacked against Traidcraft. Our campaigning and advocacy work aims to level the playing field by demanding change to the entire trading system. We’ve shown in the past that it can be done, but we must press on with renewed energy.

I firmly believe that there is hope for the trade justice movement.

The good work that Traidcraft pioneered cannot and will not be undone. We are committed to transforming trade – and I am so grateful that you stand with us.

Thank you for everything you do,


Charlotte Timson
Transform Trade CEO


Job Vacancy: Mission Development Officer

The East Midlands Synod of the United Reformed Church is seeking to appoint a Mission Development Officer (Ref MDO)
Closing date for applications: 28th February 2023
Interviews to be held: 23rd March 2023

This is a full-time post for 37.5 hours/week (including evening and weekends) on a permanent contract.

Salary: £40,000 per annum for a lay person or a minister from outside the URC. A URC minister will receive the current ministerial stipend, a manse and related benefits in accordance with the Plan for Partnership.

This post is subject to an Enhanced DBS Disclosure.

The purpose of this role is to help equip churches in their missional discipleship and growth and to facilitate the sharing of good news, practice and opportunities across the Synod and beyond, holding the whole-of-life discipleship ethos of Walking the Way at the heart of their work.

The successful candidate will work to promote, encourage and undertake the promotion of mission to the whole people of God to facilitate the development of the life of the church at all levels by helping churches to identify and understand their particular priorities in mission and, to develop and release people to engage in that mission.

The Officer appointed will be a member of a collaborative Synod team and therefore good team working skills are essential.

Download the flyer

For an application pack (no CVs) please contact:
Mrs Chris Willis
East Midlands Synod Office
1 Edwards Lane, Sherwood
Nottingham, NG5 3AA

Tel: 0115 960 9241

Praying With Those Who Wait: 22-26 November 2022

URC:Spirituality are pleased to be publicising its upcoming online week of events: “Praying With Those Who Wait”. This week of free sessions will look at the, perhaps, more unheard areas of Christ’s Advent. This will take place in 3 sessions each day, from Tuesday 22nd-Saturday 26th November 2022. Each session is independent so feel free to attend one, some or all of them on Zoom.

A week of online sessions exploring characters and scenarios on the edge of Christ’s advent. Hosted by URC:Spirituality. The sessions are independent so feel free to come to one, some or all of them!

Each morning, beginning on Tuesday 22nd November, there will be a short morning prayer time to start the day. This is a perfect way to begin your day in a contemplative way, giving whatever you may be up to that day over to God.

At lunchtime, 12:30pm each day, we have a series of sessions run by various people from the URC:Spriituality core group and beyond. Exploring largely unseen characters, or picking up on largely unexplored themes.

In the evenings, 7:30pm each day, we welcome guest speakers from across the breadth of spirituality as we continue to explore these characters and themes. These will be largely discussion-based and will finish with a short time of prayer to close the day.

Whilst run by URC:Spirituality, the themes being explored span the whole Christian tradition. Friends from across the Christian tradition, both in the UK and abroad, are most welcome to join this free event.

Read more and book on Eventbrite

The sessions will be held on Zoom, hosted by Media for Ministry. Media for Ministry has had a longstanding friendship with URC:Spirituality. Since first supporting “Streams in the Wilderness” back in May 2021, their expertise and sensitivity makes them a perfect fit with URC:Spirituality. Some of the M4M team have led sessions at past events.

With every blessing,



Director, Media for Ministry

Photo of team of four ministers of The Church at Carrs Lane

New addition to ministerial team

Photo of Reverend Sue Shortman, one of the ministers at the Church at Carrs LaneThe Church at Carrs Lane welcomed Rev Sue Shortman to the ministerial team at her first service, led jointly with the other ministers, on Sunday 4 September 2022.

Sue is a Methodist minister in the Birmingham Methodist Circuit. She worked in city churches in London before she moved to Birmingham, where she previously had pastoral charge of three  churches. She continues to ‘look after’ three churches, and this now includes The Church at Carrs Lane.

Read more about the leadership of The Church at Carrs Lane, and how the eldership/ board of managing trustees works.


Image to promote the Great Big Green Weekend from 24 September to 2 October

Great Big Green Weekend, 24 September – 2 October

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest call for action on climate change and nature, showing decision-makers that people from all walks of life are stepping up to take action – and that we need them to step up too.

Last year over 5000 events took place, with more than 200,000 people showing up for the planet in their community and online. As members of The Climate Coalition, we’re encouraging as many Christians and churches as possible to take part. This can show that we serve a God of Creation and to add our efforts to those of others for the greatest combined impact. Could you or your church host a community event as part of the Great Big Green Week? A litter pick perhaps, some wildlife gardening, or a climate coffee morning – whatever your idea is – get involved today.

Find out more

Launch – Street Banquet

The launch


(The popular name of the Street Ecclesial Community)

Come and have a burger with us

to celebrate the development of

a Church on the Margins project

in Birmingham city centre

illustration showing a burger

Sunday, 11th September 2022

(4pm – 6pm)

The Church at Carrs Lane

B4 7SX


Does my tea bag contain plastic?

As you may be aware Traidcraft’s Great Taste Award Winning Tea is packaged locally at Ringtons, a family run business for over a century. The tea bags contain a very small amount of plastic to seal them.
Ringtons were not content with this and, since August 2019, they have been testing a new environmentally conscious tea bag material on a trial basis. The tea bags passed all the stringent tests. The new material (PLA) contains a bio-plastic which has been made from plants. Please note: the Decaffeinated Traidcraft Breakfast Blend Blend tea bags are not bio plastic.
In July 2022, Traidcraft rolled out the new tea bags with bio-based plastic in our popular range of Traidcraft tea bags with one exception (above).
For more information see the Traidcraft website.

URC General Assembly Papers

A Business Digest has been created of the General Assembly that took place from 8-11 July 2022 at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick.

The digest available here, as both word and PDF:

The Record of Assembly will be going on the website shortly for further information.

The Newbigin Pioneering Hub.
Do you see…
  • New possibilities?
  • A way where there is no way?
  • Ideas for mission in your community that just might work?
  • A new community of disciples where there is none?
  • How your local community can flourish in God’s love and shalom, but know this can’t happen alone?

If you can see even a glimpse of any of these, then come and be part of the Newbigin Pioneering Hub and see if your hopes can be realised together with us.

More information below!

Introducing the ‘Newbigin Pioneering Hub’

We are a collaboration between the United Reformed Church, the Congregational Federation, Church Mission Society and the Seedbeds organisation and named in honour of the inspirational URC Minister and mission theologian Lesslie Newbigin. This new venture is open to all and is part of celebrating the past 50 years of the United Reformed Church and Congregational Federation.

The Hub is the space for training lay pioneers through the certificate and also for supporting those engaged in pioneering work. The desire is that we bring people together to support one another- sharing experience and expertise in the Hub as well as offering support to those engaged in training. Please contact for more information.

Could God be calling you to step out in faith with us to see your God- given dreams in your local community flourish in faith, hope and love?
 ‘The CMS Certificate in Pioneering Mission’

This is our foundational course designed and led by experienced pioneering practitioners, for practitioners. Church Mission Society has offered this course around the UK and will now make it available to all, rooted in the United Reformed Church in partnership with the Congregational Federation, and planted in a live pioneering context in inner city Birmingham.

The course will start September 2022 and will include six units run over 3 weekend residential (The Greenhouse at Barnes Close), hybrid sessions (online and in Lodge Road Community Church, Birmingham) on 3 full Saturdays and 3 Wednesday evenings along with personal coaching.

The six units offered are:

  • Pioneering Mission
  • Missional Spirituality
  • Church and Mission
  • Mission and the Bible
  • Community Development
  • Missional Entrepreneurship

There is also a pitch to a resource panel and graduation.

Would you join us in this new venture?

Please contact for more information or apply online at


‘CMS Certificate of Pioneering’ programme: £600 for six modules or £300 for an approved URC or Congregational Federation Participant.

‘Community of Pioneers’ community membership: £24 annually.

For help with funding and other support please talk to your local church, synod or apply for a Discipleship Development Fund grant.

Any further questions about URC support, please email