Tag Archive for: Lay Pastoral Worker

Job vacancy: Lay Pastoral Worker 2025



Are you warm, friendly and welcoming?

Have you good listening and communication skills?

Can you plan and organise?

Would you enjoy working within a local church to help grow its ministry and outreach?

The Church at Carrs Lane is a local ecumenical partnership between the United Reform Church and Methodist Churches in central Birmingham

We are looking for a

Lay Pastoral Worker

who can join worship with us each Sunday and work as part of a team with the ministers, elders and congregation to grow the ministry and outreach of the church and share its open, inclusive, justice seeking vision and develop the Church’s ministry of welcome and hospitality,

The Church at Carrs Lane is a city centre church.  There are new people in the congregation most weeks, young professionals new to the city, students, refugees, individuals with multiple needs, seekers of all ages looking for a new or more inclusive community

Candidates must be a member of the Christian Church and willing to work in accord with the vision and values of The Church at Carrs Lane

Salary £29,120 pa if the role is full time

Funding is available for 35 hours a week but a part-time role 16-20 hours a week is possible instead. If you are interested in the post and would prefer a part-time role please do still apply.

Please complete the application form below and send to clerk@carrslane.co.uk or if you need more information kindly send an email with the title: Lay Pastoral Worker.

Closing Date 10 February 2025 noon      Interviews 1 March 2025   

Application Pack

Job description Lay Pastoral Worker

Person Specification Lay Pastoral Worker

Application form Lay Pastoral Worker