Fair Trade and Eco Group join forces

Church enthusiasts for eco and fair trade issues join forces

Carrs Lane Eco Group now includes Fair Trade as the issues being dealt with are so connected. The church’s Mission Group will also take a lead on fair trade awareness raising within the life of the church. Carrs Lane Fair Trade Shop closed in 202o during the coronavirus pandemic, but it does not stop the church campaigning for fair trade and supporting Traidcraft and Traidcraft Exchange. We continue to be a Fair Trade church

Eco Church Bronze Award 2019 gained by The Church at Carrs LaneThe church achieved an ‘Eco Church‘ Bronze Award in October 2019, thanks to the work of the eco group, church members and conference centre staff.




Traidcraft Exchange logoTraidcraft Exchange, which also deals with both areas of action, wrote to thank the Carrs Lane Fair Trade Shop for its donations and contribution to their work over many years. In the letter when informed of the shop’s closure, Heather Thompson of Traidcraft Exchange said:

“Thank you for your recent letter and the enclosed donation of £6,796.40 for Traidcraft Exchange. While it was encouraging to receive so significant a sum of money, I was saddened to learn of the closure of Carrs Lane Fair Trade Shop which I know has had close links with Traidcraft plc for many years….

You may like to know that, according to our records, Carrs Lane Fair Trade Shop has made a total of 52 donations to Traidcraft Exchange since March 2006, totalling £24,691! Such significant sums of money go a long way in the developing world – do please pass on our thanks to all concerned.

I do hope that despite the closure of the fair trade shop, Traidcraft Exchange’s relationship with Carrs Lane congregation and community will continue: do please add me to your list of contacts and pass on my details. Anyone who wants to stay in touch with us can best do so by signing up for our email updates initially, at Campaign with Traidcraft Exchange — Traidcraft Exchange (Scroll all the way down the page to “Stay Connected” to enter your name and email address.)

Thank you again for all your support over the years,

Yours sincerely

Heather Thompson
Supporter Relations Manager”

Click to download the letter