Become a workplace chaplain
Workplace Chaplaincy Training Course Sept-Nov 2021
From Monday 20 September to Monday 8 November 2021 from 5-7pm:
Workplace Chaplaincy CIGB, 7 week Training Course for Voluntary Chaplains
Cost: £50
Download a leaflet about the course
CIGB Voluntary Chaplains support people in many workplaces across Birmingham and Solihull. Workplace Chaplains act as a sign that God is engaged 7 days a week, 24 hours a day in our working lives. Workplace Chaplains provide listening, careful support and help people to see that God is at Work. Voluntary chaplains typically give about one half day per week to this ministry. Our chaplains find the experience inspiring: they report that chaplaincy helps to grow their own faith, as well as helping others to develop.
Our chaplaincies are in places like shops, offices, the fire service, transport and the local council. CIGB, a local charity, has been providing ecumenical Workplace Chaplaincy for over 40 years and has an existing team of over 50 part-time chaplains. We also organise Job Clubs to provide Chaplaincy support to those who are currently unemployed.
Workplace Chaplaincy Training is over 7 Monday evenings from 20 Sept. The course teaches some of the core skills and strategies for Workplace Chaplaincy, as well as providing a chance to hear from some of our existing chaplains. Attending the course is not a commitment to start chaplaincy; nor does it guarantee a chaplaincy role at the end: a discernment conversation takes place towards the end of the course.
More information and a registration form is available from
FRIENDS OF CIGB ( is our network of colleagues who are interested in issues of Faith, Work and Economy, and support our work.
Registered Charity 511711